4. Software Overview#

This chapter provides instructions for compiling and deploying the BSP (Board Support Package) software to the board.

4.1. Supported Distributions#

The following chapters describe how to build a disk image for:

4.2. Compiling Linux Applications#

The easiest option is to compile your applications directly on a board running Debian. Install the gcc package and related utilities and you are good to go:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

The second option is to cross-compile your applications on a host PC. The compiler that is installed in Section 5.1 Prepare the host PC is suitable.

4.3. Known issues#

  1. The SD card cannot currently be automatically detected at runtime, so please insert it before booting the Jaguar.

    It is however possible to force a detection at runtime by running the following commands:

    echo "fe2c0000.mmc" > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dwmmc_rockchip/unbind
    echo "fe2c0000.mmc" > /sys/bus/platform/drivers/dwmmc_rockchip/bind